9 parenting rules every Indian mom should follow

In today's modern era, every parent is worried about the future of their children and also plans to make them successful. Because building the future of children starts with their parents only.

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That is why eyelashes in India have a unique confluence of tradition and modernity. Today we are going to tell you what rules an Indian mother should follow for her children.

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Why is open behavior and communication important? Because increases trust and understanding between your child

Encourage open behavior and communication

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In today's modern era, people spend most of their time expressing themselves on social media. And because of this the new generation is not able to know our old culture.

be exposed to old cultures

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Promoting independence helps children develop self-confidence and problem-solving skills. Assign responsibilities to them as per their age.

promote freedom

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Education is an important tool for children's future success. An educated person can achieve something in his life but it is wrong to force children for education.

Inspire for education not force

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Provide nutritious and balanced food to your children for physical and mental development. And involve children in meal planning and cooking.

Promote healthy eating habits 

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Respect and empathy are fundamental to building positive relationships. Teach children how important respect is in life. Therefore involve them in community service activitie

foster respect and empathy

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Excessive screen time has a negative impact on health, mental development, sleep and social skills. So set and limit your time on social media

Limit time on social media

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10 name suggestion for baby girl born during Navratri

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